Wednesday, July 31, 2013

fun portraits and zoo sketches

So it has been a crazy few weeks me and I have not had the time to post what little work I have been able to do or get much drawing done. I will save the works in progress for next week and so for this week I thought I would just throw up what I have managed to do in my free time. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

dinosaur museum sketches

So I have decided to try something new this summer with my artwork, every week I pick a day and go out and draw.  I think it has been a real good experience and has allowed me to draw more from life.  There is only so much a photo can convey.  So here are some sketches from my most resent trip.

Monday, June 24, 2013

zombie fun and some other sketches

So I haven't posted in a while hopefully that will change.  here are some sketches i did today that I am hoping to use in some upcoming pieces.  I will definitely be posting more often and hope to get a lot of work up this  summer and get used to using blogger.

This is just a rough sketch I will be uploading updates on it as I work on it.  Here are some more sketches I did today that I liked.

They are not amazing but my goal is to get used to drawing more and more every day and get used to posting and keeping this blog updated.